Making Positive Change


My ex wouldn’t let me cut my hair. My hair was pretty long. The last few days, I’ve been thinking about cutting it. Partly as a “screw you” to my ex and partly because I wanted a change and I was feeling like if I didn’t cut my hair, I might do something stupid like drop out of school or fly to another state to live (with no job and no plan) so I cut my hair. I cut about a foot off. I really like it. And I feel so light now.

9 responses »

  1. Good for you!! Whenever I feel an itch for drastic change, I do something with my hair [cut or dye] because it will always grow back. And your smart to recognize that this is a short term vs what you could end up doing.

    I bet you look amazing! But the best part? You feel confident!!

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  2. Recently I chopped my hair off too. I say chopped because I finally took the plunge and did a style when the top is longer and the rest is a buzz cut. The top isn’t that long yet but it is growing. It was a big leap and the hair cut I got before it was very short; sort of a prep stage, lol.

    It is freeing in more ways than one. Good for you!

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