Summer break


It’s officially summer break! It technically has been for 3 weeks, but I’ve been in California on vacation with my now-fiancé having so much fun that it hasn’t sunk in. But yay! No more school for a couple month! I registered for fall classes last night. I’m taking Human Growth and Development and Human Anatomy and Physiology. I expect to be VERY busy with these classes, but I’m excited to be working toward my nursing degree.

I have no idea what I’m going to do with myself during summer break. During the spring semester I was taking classes and doing treatment. Now I’m doing outpatient once a week and my DBT group once a week, but other than those, I’m completely free. I feel a little overwhelmed by freedom. And when I have nothing to do is when I tend to engage in eating disorder behaviors, so I need to find a way to set up some kind of schedule for myself this summer.

That said, I did really well on my vacation. I had some restricting, but I did pretty well at following my meal plan and my fiancé was a huge help in keeping me on track. He was very supportive and encouraging the whole time.

7 responses »

  1. I know that empty feeling when holiday comes. Actually I felt it when I was still at school/in college bc then I wouldn’t see my favourite teachers and have those cool classes. When you start working a job you 35 hours a week though you start enjoying your vacation time. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow you’re doing so so well and I’m really happy your fiance’s support is helping you. How was your road trip? It’s fantastic you did so great away from home. That’s a challenging time. Your classes sound good xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A2! Glad to see you back online and even better that you had such a great time and did so well on your vacation with your fiancé!! Just enjoy the summer and your man and build your energy for classes. Congratulations and God bless!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Free time used to be quite dangerous for me. So tempting to over exercise or conveniently go places where I couldn’t eat, etc, etc. I found that creating structure was singular in having the world make sense in any circumstances. I see you posted this 2 days ago so am curious if you’ve given anymore thought to your upcoming freedom? 🙂


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