

So I’ve transitioned to outpatient. I met with my new outpatient therapist yesterday. I didn’t feel an instant connection with her, but I didn’t hate her, so that’s good at least.

The transition has been harder than I expected. I need to get into a better routine. I haven’t been eating consistently, and that’s been leading me to binge and purge a few times since I discharged. Today is the first time I ate breakfast in a while. My new therapist challenged me to set a schedule for my meals and to stick to it for the next week, so that’s what I’m going to try to do. Hopefully I can cut down on the binging and purging this way too.

Tomorrow I need to pack. Friday I’m going to Albuquerque for the weekend with my three brothers. We’re driving down Friday morning and driving back Sunday night. Luckily it’s not a long drive.

7 responses »

  1. I can see where the transition would be tough; from highly structured to do-it-yourself. But I’ve watched you from almost day 1; I know you’re tough too.

    I’ll say recovery is about living and enjoying life! A nice trip with your brothers could be just the thing to refresh you! Enjoy yourself! You remain in my prayers!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Have you ever worked with a nutritionist? Whenever I start slipping or need a tune up I find registered dietitians helpful. Did you make a good plan for your road trip? That helps too. I bring a variety of baby food and different food bars then map places in the route where I know I can get a salad. Planning is awesome 🙂


  3. After reading your “about me” page and a few posts.. I pray you will have an increased strength to get through this battle..you may know this,but there are many natural remedy’s that control the mental impulse of eating disorders, and vitamin therapy that restores your health. Thank you for helping others by sharing your journey.


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